Monday, January 14, 2008

Scroll Saw Butterfly Pattern

This butterfly is 11" wide. I cut the wings from 1/8" baltic birch ply. The body is 1/2" dowel rod sanded to shape. The wings are inserted into small dados drilled into the body. Drill the wing dados at an angle so the wings are in the proper orientation.

Hey guys and gals, I'm getting tons of emails with questions and comments. Thanks and keep them coming. Your email lets me know what you want to see. I try to answer every email but some fall through the cracks. Sorry if I don't answer your email but I do read every one.

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Norm's Corel Draw Pattern

Well I did manage to get a complete trace. Take a look and tell me what you think. Takes a bit of time to trace but I am finding my way around converting to curve and moving in the right places. It's not that hard once you realize to use as few points as possible and as you make that curve move the pointer to either side to match the curve, It's not just in and out

Now I owe what I have accomplished thus far all to you. You have been a great help and inspiration seeing what you do makes me want to be as good. Thank you so much. Oh, yes you can share this pattern if it's okay. I do not mind, I just had to see if I could do it.


Dag gone Norm you could have at least struggled a little before you started making my patterns look bad. :) Great job. I may not get away with posting this pattern because of copyright issues. This pattern is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used in any commercial use.

Norm has only been using Corel Draw for a very short time. You can see from what he has accomplished that making patterns for your scroll saw is fun and easy. Give it a try.


Free Scroll Saw Pattern Download