Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Flower Mini Clock

Well I have been away from the workshop for a few days. Had to recharge my batteries. Spent the weekend just relaxing and enjoying my daughters birthday. I enjoy scrolling but sometimes you just have to get away. Last week I was working on two different projects and screwed them both up. :) I sat there trying to make up my mind if I was going kick the saw or the neighbors dog. Being a nonviolent kind of guy I decided I should take a couple days off.

My frustrations made me think about all the email I get from new scrollers. They often express there frustration about how it looks so easy in my videos( Never underestimate video editing). I usually tell them to take a break and try again tomorrow. It always seems easier the next day. That's easy advice to give and tough to hear.

If you are new to the hobby remember that as with any new skill it takes a little time to master. In my case it's been about 26 years but I'm a slow learner. When you feel like kicking the dog just put it down and start again later. You may still screw the project up but at least the dog is safe.

Here is a simple little mini clock pattern for you to cut.

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