Thursday, April 22, 2010

Free Scroll Saw Stand Plans From Kenneth Van Winkle.

On 3/27/2010 I posted a write up from Kenneth showing the custom stand he made. I have had several readers write and ask if Kenneth had plans for the stand. He was good enough to go back and put together this document explaining how it was built. He specs out all the pieces and provides helpful links to explain why he chose this design. Thanks again Kenneth.

More Best Friends Scroll Saw Patterns

Five more best friend patterns. Beagle, Scottish Terrier, Poodle, Great Dane and a Retriever. Lots of email on this one. I only got a few done tonight but I'll do more this week.

Don't forget the giveaway drawing is this Saturday night. Get your entries in to win.

If you have not signed up for the Community Forum you are missing out on a lot of new friends. Stop by. You can look around as a guest. If you like what you see sign up. It's free and hopefully a lot of fun.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Make A Donation

How to add pictures to a post in the Community Forum.

If you are reading this in the email newsletter you may not see the video. Please visit the blog and watch it there.

Here is the first video tutorial explaining how to insert pictures in a message over on the new Community Forum. I know many of you are new to online forums. They can be a very valuable resource of information. It's also fun to be able to share pictures of your projects with the world.

This video will start with the basics of linking to a picture and uploading a picture into a message. This is just a beginning. I will go into more detail in the next video.

I'll try to have the next video up tomorrow night.