Saturday, July 16, 2011

Uncle Sam Scroll Saw Portrait.

I have the next week off of work. No plans right now to go anyplace so I hope to be spending a lot of time in the shop. I also have plans to open a new feature on the blog if I can get everything in place. What I want to do is put together a video page that will just have techniques and tips for people just getting started with the scroll saw. Right now when a new reader ask me for a tutorial on a specific technique I can't easily send them to my videos because they were never organized for that.

My vision is to have a page that will take a novice from the very basics to intermediate skills as quick as possible. I have always had the goal with my blog to get new people involved in the hobby. I think I have accomplished that to a certain degree but I really want to take it further.

The first step will be to get an outline of all the skills I want to teach. That's where I can use some help. It's going to take quite some time to get the videos all filmed and edited. If you have any ideas for techniques you think would have helped you when you first started send me an email and I'll try to add as many as I can.

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