Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Official.

Don't forget to visit the Free Online Pattern Catalog. You will find hundreds of free patterns just waiting to be downloaded. Here in the US we have a long weekend coming up so download a few patterns and have some fun.

The Community Forum is another great place to spend some time. There are hundreds of scrollers there from all over the world. You will need to register but it's pretty painless. If you have never participated in an online forum before don't be shy. You will be surprised how friendly everyone is and you just might get hooked.

The blog just passed 3 million visits the other day and I'm approaching 10,000 subscribers to the almost daily newsletter. If you have not subscribed I would love to have you sign up. All you have to do is scroll to the top of the blog and enter your email address in the subscription box. After you sign up you will get the latest patterns and other content delivered to your inbox. That way you will never miss a pattern you might want.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated.Make A Donation