Thursday, April 5, 2012

Toymaker Press offers free plans for a limited time.

In exchange for joining their mailing list Toymaker Press is offering this wonderful free toy plan for a limited time. Cynthia ask if I would pass this offer along to you guys and I am more than happy to do so. If you have followed my blog for long you know how much I love the work Cynthia and John do with their toy patterns. The creativity of their toys is incredible. Somehow they manage to add nostalgia and a modern twist to all their projects at the same time. If you are a toy maker or want to be do not miss their website. It is simply the best you will find.

If their were ever a mailing list you want to sign up for this is the one. Every project in their catalog is special. They protect your privacy and never sell or share their mailing list with any other vendor.

Go ahead and click this link. Toymaker Press. Look at the top of the page for this special offer.

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