Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Make Wooden Farm Toys: Scroll Saw Patterns and Plans by Kurtis Foote

I know many of you enjoy making toys in your shops. If that sounds like you then this book by Kurtis Foote might be for you. Kurtis sent me a review copy of his book today. It has patterns for a tractor, combine, skid loader and a disk to pull behind the tractor. I'll have to admit that I'm a city boy. I've never lived more than 5 miles from a K-mart in my whole life. The last time I was on a farm I tried to milk a bull. He was really mad.

The book is about 40 pages. I believe Kurtis has self published this book and he has done a very nice job. Kurtis spends the first 3 pages talking about what you will need to complete the projects in the book. It's basic info but all you will likely need.

Kurtis jumps right into the meat of the book next. The project section is easy to understand. He starts out with a list of materials followed by build instructions. The actual patterns follow next. The instructions are easy to follow and detailed enough to get you right into the assembly.

The patterns are printed black line. All holes to be drilled are center marked with an x. All the measurements are clearly displayed including the drill bit sizes.

The pattern lines are a little thick but the pieces are very basic so I don't think this will cause most of you a problem.

This book is available on Amazon for $14.99. If you enjoy building toys and you have never tried to milk a bull then jump over to this link and pick up a copy. Wooden Farm Toys.

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Major new feature to the Stencil Printer v1.4 program.

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I have been working on the Scrollsaw Workshop Stencil Printer program this weekend. I have added the most requested feature by the people who have been testing it. You can now use any font to create a name plate. Just select the base feature, select the font and adjust it to fit on the base. Watch the video below to see how it works.

This feature should add a great deal more flexibility to this program. In the past my programs used only a select few hand created fonts for this type of name plate. Now the sky is the limit to the different styles you can create. There are thousands of free fonts on the internet you can download and use.

There are still things that need added. Right now the base can only be solid black. Those of you who are changing the font color will need to use black for this new feature until I see if I can add more color options.

Soon I will be calling this program feature finished. When I do that I will make a video showing all the features and how to use them. It's pretty simple to figure out but instructions are always nice.

I have updated the "mychain.ttf' font and the new version will be installed with this update. There was a problem with the font only accepting lowercase. Now it will work with upper case and lower case. I will be showing more of this feature in the final video.

As always please report any bugs so I can try to swat them. I'm still considering a few more features but I thinks it's close to finished. I'll be happy to get suggestions but no guarantees they will get added at this point.

The video is best viewed in HD and Full Screen. Use the controls at the bottom of the player to adjust the video.

Just an additional note to those of you who have Custom Paper Dials on order. As usual I'm behind but I will work to get caught up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but the demand has been pretty high. Thanks for you patience.

If you are reading this in the email newsletter you may not see the video. Click this link and watch it in you browser.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated.Make A Donation