I have a question for everyone. I have received several emails asking how to get all my free patterns without having to download them. I currently do not make them available on disk but would be willing to if there were even a little interest. I could put all the patterns on a DVD with a viewer program to view a thumbnail and open the pattern.
There would be a charge for the disk. I'm guessing it would cost around $20. There are currently well over 1000 pattern books some with multiple patterns.
I want to make it clear. These are the same patterns that are available free from my online catalog.I have people who do not have the bandwidth to go back and download hundreds of patterns. This would be handy for them. The DVD could also be kept at club meetings for sharing among members. What ever the reason I would like to know what you think.
There is a poll below. Please take a minute to let me know if it's worth my time to make this DVD available. Thanks for your time.