A friend of mine, Frank Carey decided to do something about this omission and designed "The Lifter". There are other lifters on the market but in my opinion this one is the best. Okay I know I said he was my friend and that makes me biased but it's still the best. I have reviewed them all. They all work. This one is just made better.
Here is the chance to get The Lifter for free. Frank sent me a message that he would like to help get the word out about his product by doing a giveaway. Everyone likes giveaways so here we go.
If you don't feel lucky or just don't like giveaways you can purchase The Lifter for 29.95 at this link.
Papa's Workshop.
RULES..You must follow the rules or you will not be eligible.
1. Send an email to giveaway@stevedgood.com. In the subject type "The Lifter".
2. In the body of the email you need to answer this question.
What profession is Frank Carey retired from? Hint(The answer is in the "About Us" page of The Lifter web page. Click this link to go to the web page...
3. Entries will end Sunday June 14th 2015.
4. You can enter one time per day. That's 3 chances.
Papa's Workehop Home of The Lifter.
If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.