Monday, March 6, 2017

Doctor of Woodology Scroll Saw pattern. Free 3D file for a useful corner clamp.
Doctors do it, lawyers do it. Why don't we? No, I'm not talking about over charging for services. I'm talking about hanging our diploma on the wall.

As the head grounds keeper of The Scroll Saw College and all around nice guy, I grant you the title of Doctor of Woodology. This degree certifies that you are a master of cutting straight lines. If you decide to continue your education we have a two year Masters Degree in circle cutting.  

Free 3D File: Corner Clamp
If you have access to a 3D printer you can have this file for free. Just visit my eStore and look for the download link. As you can see in the video it is a pretty handy tool to have in your shop. 

It was printed in PLA filament. It's pretty strong but it can be broke with rough handling. I would not have this printed commercially. If you don't have access to a 3D printer just buy a commercial corner clamp. 
If you are reading this in the email newsletter you may not see the video. Click this link and watch it in your browser
I had several emails today with interest in the digital strokes per minute readout I am working on. The image above is the unit I used for the device. It cost's $18.99 on Amazon. It has many potential uses but I thought it would be fun to make a project for the scroll saw with it. 

Just to answer a couple of the email that did not understand the use for the device. I like switches, buttons, dials and anything that blinks. That's all the reason I need to tinker.

Most lathes do not have digital readouts but the high end machines do. You do not have to know the speed to turn a bowl but the high end manufactures think it's nice to provide a reference with a digital readout. Same thing with drill presses. You don't have to know the revs per minute but with a reference digital readout you don't have to guess.

I can give examples of where it would be nice to have a reference starting speed on the scroll saw but if you think the device is useless then it will be useless to you. I understand that. I built the thing and I probably would not use it very often. 

I had several emails with advice on how to mount the hall effect sensor. Many of them were helpful and I plan to give it a try sometime this week. I may have to source a smaller sensor to get the mounting solid but I'll work through that as I go. 

I just placed my monthly order from Bear Woods. I ordered clock inserts, a quartz movement with hands, round picture frame insert and several more Pegas scroll saw blades. Anyone want to see a project made with any of these items? How about a clock with a 2 3/4" insert and a 2 3/4" picture frame as part of the clock? We could also use the quartz movement to make another fretwork style wall clock. Le tme know if you have a preference.
Heritage wood Specialties. The most spectacular scroll saw wood blanks available online. Color matched to perfections.
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Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has 1,964 patterns published from 2007 thru 2016.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.

You can view a video showing use of the DVD on a Windows PC and a MAC at this link

Click here to Order. 
Want to create beautiful wooden vases on the scroll saw?
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.

The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.

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