Monday, August 5, 2024

Vietnam Veteran plus Angel Fish Scroll Saw Patterns


 Second Pattern Today


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My brain has a difficult time imagining that we are getting close to 50 years since the Vietnam War ended. I guess I'm not supposed to call it a war but to me, that is what it was. I did not graduate high school until 1977 so I missed the draft but I had family and friends who were there. I had an older cousin who spent time there as a forward observer. He told stories that he and a second soldier would leave camp before sun-up and go searching for the enemy. When found, their job was to stay hidden and radio back coordinates for artillery support. He told me that he never believed he would come back home alive. He did come home but he had a troubled life until his death.

Many of those brave young men came home with limited support and some even faced hostility from fellow countrymen. The country was divided because of resistance to the war. Some estimates say that as many as 30% of returning Vietnam vets face PTSD issues. A significant number never received treatment.

After all that I said above you would think these men and women would have had difficulty adjusting back into society. Okay, read these facts as reported by U.S. Wings.

Vietnam Veterans represented 9.7% of their generation.

They have a lower unemployment rate than the same non-vet age groups.

Their personal income exceeds that of our non-veteran age group by more than 18 percent.

87% of Americans hold Vietnam Veterans in high esteem.

There is no difference in drug usage between Vietnam Veterans and non-Vietnam Veterans of the same age group (Source: Veterans Administration Study).

Vietnam Veterans are less likely to be in prison – only one-half of one percent of Vietnam Veterans have been jailed for crimes.

85% of Vietnam Veterans made successful transitions to civilian life.

97% of Vietnam Veterans were honorably discharged.

91% of Vietnam Veterans say they are glad they served.

74% say they would serve again, even knowing the outcome.

So why should we honor these men and women? Because they served our country even if you did not believe in our being there. They went and did their job as best they could. They came home and as the facts above point out, not only did they adjust but they excelled in their communities and careers. 

I hope you will join me in saying Thank You, to the Vietnam vets who served our country. 

The pattern is three 1/4" thick layers. The size is 10" X 8". I do see one problem area of this pattern for some. The blades on the Hueys are going to be difficult. If possible, change to a #3 blade or smaller and take your time making the 90-degree turn. Don't be too critical of the cut because it probably won't be perfect. 

The Angel Fish Pattern is three layers of 1/4" thick plywood and the size is 8" X 10".

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Veteran Pattern
Angel Fish Pattern

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