Monday, November 19, 2007

Mini Mantel Clock

My wife wanted a small desk clock for work. She wanted it to be very basic with little or no fret work. This pattern is 7" long and sits about 4" high. The pattern in designed for a 1 7/16" mini clock insert. You can use a 1 3/8" forstner bit to drill the hole.

I went into the workshop two times this weekend and both times were a total flop. I'm working on a pattern for a truck that matches the Old Car pattern from a few months ago. I was cutting pieces at the table saw and mis cut two pieces. Got frustrated and moved on to some sanding I needed to do and my spindle sander started making some weird noise and I'll have to take it apart this week and see what's wrong with it. At that point I figured I would give up for a while and start again Sunday.

Sunday I went in to cut the clock in this pattern. Mind you this clock requires one cut at the scroll saw. I messed that one cut up by getting in a hurry and let the blade flex and undercut the pattern. :)

I'm really not just whining here it just reminds me what it felt like when I first started scrolling 20 some years ago.

I get emails from people just starting out in this hobby who are frustrated. All I can say is that the frustrating days get further apart but as I was reminded this weekend they never go away.

My lesson relearned for the millionth time today is sometimes you have to just walk away and start again later.

Free Scroll Saw Pattern

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