Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Email from Pasi

Click image to see full size.Hello!

I just had to say thanks for the work and effort you make at your scrollsawblog.
Here in Finland, this hobby is not very popular and I have to dig deep into the internet to have tips and some knowledge for the hobby. So thanks again and I hope you continue your site.

I send a picture of piece that I sawed. I gave it to my sister for a christmas present. She was very pleased :) . It's the reindeer sledge that you have drawn. It's made off pine and is 18 millimeters thick. The pattern was very cuttable (if that's the right word). Take me about 4-5 hours, but I am slow and accurate ;) .


p.s. my english is not very good so try to bear with me, please.

Hi Pasi, first your English is very good. I wish I could speak a second language that well.

I normally shrink the images on this blog to save space. I left this picture at the original size. If you click the image you will see the original. The reason I did that is to show others how accurately you cut. Your cutting style is exceptional.

Thanks for sending the picture and I'm glad you enjoy the blog.
