Monday, May 26, 2008

Checkerboard Puzzle

This small coffee table puzzle looks simple but don't be fooled. I've seen people give up in frustration with this one. The object is to put the puzzle pieces together to form a checkerboard. The solution is on the last page of the pattern but don't peek until you have given it a try.

The puzzle tray is 5 1/2" x 6". I made the puzzle pieces from 1/4" Baltic birch ply. I colored the black squares with a Sharpie permanent marker. Before you use the marker spray the pieces with lacquer to help keep the ink from bleeding. Finally give it a couple more coats of lacquer to protect the ink.

I hope everyone here in the states had a nice Memorial Day. I want to thank all the military personnel stationed around the world for your service. I salute all the family members who have lost loved ones protecting our country. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

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