Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Re-sawing Thin Stock for Bookmarks

This idea might be a little crazy but it works. I upload a few bookmark patterns a couple weeks ago. They have been one of the more popular patterns I have ever posted. The down side is that I received dozens of email asking where to get the thin stock for the pattern.

Many of you said that you don't have the tools available to make your own thin stock. You also said that the cost of thin stock online was too high. I figured I needed to come up with a solution. That's when I decided to try to re-saw 2" stock with the scroll saw. This video shows how I was able to get nice small sheets of thin stock.

Before I get hundreds of email telling me how inefficient this is let me just say it works. If you have a band saw knock your self out re-sawing thin stock. This technique is just a workaround for those scrollers working with limited equipment.

This technique pushes most scroll saws to their limit. I made sure I used a quality blade and I cut walnut that cuts like butter. Your results may vary depending on your saw, blade and species of wood you choose.

Use extra caution when cutting wood this thick. Keep your fingers clear of the top arm. You won't have much clearance for you fingers and you can get a pinch.

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