Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Love My Valentine

It's a cold icy night here in central Kentucky. The street in front of my house has an inch or two of ice. It's still coming down and it looks like a rough morning. The branches of all the trees have a 1/4" coating of ice. It's pretty but the last time this happened we were without power for 5 days.

I thought I should work on another Valentines Day pattern. Holidays are made for scrollers. If you sell your work in craft shops or consignment stores you need to stay current. Always be ready for holiday buyers. Most craft purchases are impulse buys so be ready.

This simple pattern reminds me of elementary school when we all exchanged valentine cards. All us boys hated that day. Little did we know that in just a few short years the girls we tried so hard to avoid would be the center of our universe.

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