Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Nose

I know I'm going to get some email about this one. :) Before you think I have totally lost it this was a request. If I could remember who sent the request I would blame, I mean thank them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Sit this nose beside you favorite reading chair or bed and your reading glasses will be waiting for you when you need them.

Legal notice:

Neither Steve Good nor the Scrollsaw Workshop can be held liable for any trauma caused by "The Nose". User assumes all responsibility for any mental scares inflicted on small children or persons with heart conditions. Severe freight or other serious conditions may arise from improper use of "The Nose". If used beside your bed it is advised you sleep facing the other direction otherwise a weird feeling that someone is watching you might occur. Should symptoms last more than three days immediately discontinue use of "The Nose" and consult you physician.

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