Saturday, October 10, 2009


Boxes are made to hold things. Usually something of value that we wish to protect. Jewelry, money, gifts, stuff. This box is different. It was designed to hold an idea, a wish, a belief. An idea of hope, a wish for hope and a belief that there is always hope.

I received an email the other day that made me stop and think about a subject that honestly I knew very little about. Joyce Kohlmeier is a girl scout leader of young women of High school age. She ask me if I would design a pattern for her girls to make. It seems that Joyce likes to pass on her woodworking skills to the girls. They had already made a project that was in my catalog but Joyce wanted something more meaningful to the girls.

She went on to explain that every young woman in her group has had or known someone who has breast cancer. I had to stop and think about that statement. How could this group be so unlucky as to have had all these experiences. Well I went and did my usual research when something catches my interest. Turns out that what these girls have seen is not that unusual after all. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. The good news is that the rate of deaths from breast cancer has declined over the last 10 years. There is a reason for that decline.

October is breast cancer awareness month. I know what you are saying. Every disease and cause has it's month. You can't donate time and money to every cause. Guess what? One of the main reasons that the death rate has declined is because of awareness. Early detections saves lives. It's wonderful if you can donate your time or money to fight breast cancer but everyone can help with awareness.

The message of this box is hope. Every woman and man who develops breast cancer needs hope. Hope let's them fight the battle. Hope carries them through the treatments that take so much from them. They need hope to believe that one day they can just be well again.

This box is my effort to help these girls bring awareness to others. The top of the box has a ribbon of hope. This ribbon symbolizes October as breast cancer awareness month. Inside the box there are 12 small ribbons. These ribbons are my hope that we can bring awareness all 12 months of the year.

I want to thank Joyce and the young women that she mentors. You all add a little hope to everyone you touch. The awareness you bring helps save lives. Maybe the life of someone you love. God bless.

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