Sunday, February 28, 2010

Round Desk Boxclock

I'm always looking for ways to use up even the smallest scraps of wood. I call this a boxclock. It requires a 1 7/16" mini clock insert. You should be able to take just about any scrap from your bin and make this project.

It does require three different thicknesses of wood. The top and bottom are 1/8" thick. The inner box is 1/2" thick and the outer box is 3/4" thick.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the test in yesterdays post. I had a couple things I wanted to check and it went well. First I was making sure that most people are receiving the email newsletter. I get a few emails every week from people missing the newsletter. There are about 6000 subscribers to the newsletter and about 4800 clicked the link. That's more than I expected so I think it's safe to assume the newsletter is being delivered most of the time.

The second thing I was checking is how much the newsletter costs me in ad revenue. The way I am able to put out all the patterns for free is that I depend on donations and ad revenue to cover expenses. My goal is to one day make enough from ad revenue that I could stop asking for donations. Unfortunately the newsletter stops readers from visiting the blog so I don't make the ad revenue. That's okay it just means I need to continue to grow the blog readership until the add revenue increases. I know everyone hates ads but I try to keep them as inconspicuous as possible. I only use text ads on the blog. The test showed that the newsletter cost me about a 400% decline in ad revenue. I will happily give that up if the newsletter helps me continue to grow the total subscriber number of the blog and I think it does. Thanks again for the help today. You guys always come through for me.

That's enough of the boring stuff. Let's go make some saw dust.

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