Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dragon Hand Mirror with Polymer Clay Inlay.

Here is a hand mirror for the men. The pattern needs a 4" round mirror. Woodcraft part number 17T02. The mirror is inset into the mirror by cutting the circle at a bevel. Set the table of your saw at about 4 degrees and make test cuts until you get about a 1/8" reveal. After you cut the circle set the saw back to 90 degrees and finish all other cuts.

You will also need 1 pack of FIMO polymer clay for the inlay. Over fill the cutout of the dragon with the polymer clay. Put the hand mirror in an oven preheated to 265 degrees for 30 minutes. Don't let it burn. It stinks if you do. Remove the mirror and let it cool.

Use a sander to sand the polymer clay flush with the wood. Sand down to 320 grit to get a smooth finish on the clay and wood. Glue the bevel cut into the mirror frame then use epoxy to set the mirror into the cutout.

Complete with your choice of finish.

The mirror can be easily customized with your choice of cutout and color of clay.

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