Monday, June 7, 2010

Are you prepared for a computer crash.

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SyncBack is the freeware backup utility I use to backup all my patterns and data for the Scrollsaw Workshop. I know that many of you are collectors of patterns for your scroll saw. Do you have them backed up in case of a crash? Your computer drive will fail. It's just a matter of time. A reader just wrote me an email that he lost all the scroll saw and turning patterns he had collected over a long time as well as other personal data. He now knows why backups are vital.

You probably have photos, documents, financial data, email and other data that would be difficult or impossible to replace if lost. Running this simple to use program can make recovering this data easy if you just take the time to use it.

External hard drives are the easiest device to use for backups. They have gotten much cheaper over the years so that helps. Another option is to backup to DVD's. The nice thing about this option is that you can make copies and send them to another location in case of a fire or other disaster. It's actually best to use two different methods for the best protection.

I thought I would make a tutorial for SyncBack but I found the video above on YouTube and it seemed to be easy enough for a computer user with average skills to follow. If creating folders and other basic computer tasks are still a little out of your expertise then find someone to set it up for you and show you how start the backup.

Trust me when i say that if you take the time to set this up that one day you will be glad you did.

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