Thursday, June 17, 2010

Check this out. Kathy Jaeger's beautiful clock.

About a year ago Kathy started taking scroll saw lessons. She had cut a few small projects then she saw a picture of this clock. She told her teacher, Jutta that she was going to cut that clock. It took her a while but she kept with it and look at the results.

This is a good example of jumping in the deep end and learning to swim. Don't be intimidated by patterns that look too challenging. If you take your time you can do more than you think you can. Just take each piece at a time. Don't get in a hurry. Ask for help if you need it. Don't let mistakes frustrate you and wonderful things will happen.

Kathy you did a beautiful job on your clock. Can't wait to see the next project. Thanks for letting me share this photo and inspiring others to push their skills.