I really like the way it pivots back out of the way when not needed.
The front left mounting bolt is removed and replaced with a longer bolt. A couple of nuts and a washer are added as shown in the picture.
Walt used a 1 x 6 piece of pine for the holder. The small hole in the corner is large enough for a nylon bushing. The mounting bolt needs to fit into the nylon bushing. Then use another washer and nut to hold the board in place. 1" holes are drilled for the blade bottles. The bottle have a lip to hold them in the holes. The inside row has two holes missing for clearance. Walt did not give the length of the board so you will need to measure as appropriate.
The bottles can be found at http://www.stevespanglerscience.com. 15 bottle can be purchased for $9.95 + shipping. Walt says they are extremely tough and durable. He has dropped them on concrete with no breakage. Walt suggest that you print some labels for the board so the blades can be identified easily.
Thanks Walt.