In this example I used 1/2" walnut for the top, bottom and handle. The weave is cut from pine. The dimensions are 5.25 x 4.
The heat here in Lexington is still unbearable for most of the day. 90 + every day for a while now and more to come. The heat index is about as bad as we can get. It's keeping me out of my un-air-conditioned shop for the most part. For those of you that I have told I would work on a project or pattern it will take a while.
For those of you new to the Scrollsaw Workshop I want to welcome you and invite you to visit the Community Forum. There are over 1300 scrollers from all over the world sharing ideas and enjoying each others company. You can find the link to the Forum on the left side of the blog. Go ahead and sign up. You will me some nice folks there that enjoy the hobby as much as you do.