Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intarsia Artist Janette Square.

I am honored to introduce the readers of the Scrollsaw Workshop Janette Square. Many of you will recognize Janette from her contributions to the scroll saw magazines.

Janette Square is an accomplished, internationally recognized intarsia artist who has lived in Eugene, Oregon since 1995. She began using wood as an artistic medium around 1999. The natural color and grain of wood is the perfect medium for creating colorful and realistic pieces based on nature. She has a unique gift of being able to create, from a photograph - first a pattern, then a finished piece of intarsia artwork. Custom pieces, including pet portraits are her specialty. She has created custom pieces for people worldwide. Self taught, Janette has the ability to capture an animal’s personality and expression in wood. While some of her pieces are made from commercially available patterns, many are her own designs.

She is a regular contributor to both international scroll saw magazines, Creative Woodworks & Crafts as well as Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts. Several of her pieces have been chosen to be featured on their covers as well. Janette is also a moderator for an Intarsia Yahoo group as well as Scroll Saw Woodworking magazine’s online forum for scroll saw artists. She enjoys encouraging others and teaching them by sharing her expertise within the groups, giving others confidence and improving their own skills.

In 2006, one of her custom pieces received both “Best In Show” and “People’s Choice” awards at the Rhododendron Festival’s annual art show in Florence, Oregon. The same piece was selected by Woodcraft Magazine in March of 2007 from over 300 entries for their intarsia contest. In 2005, Janette received an honorable mention in Scroll Saw Wood-working & Crafts Magazine’s design contest as well as being a finalist in the 2008 event. In 2004, Janette was interviewed by KVAL news and demonstrated her work for a segment of the newscast. She is recognized as one of the premier Intarsia Artists by her peers.

Starting with a pattern, Janette selects the types of woods she will use in a project. The color and grain selection of the wood is an important first step. Each piece is first cut out with a scroll saw, then shaped and sanded utilizing several types of sanding and carving tools depending on the desired results. Once each piece has been shaped, they are all glued together and several coats of a clear satin finish is applied to protect and enhance the natural colors of the wood. No stains are ever used and the only paint used is a highlight dot in the eye of her animals. This highlight brings the piece to life. The project is then glued to a backing for added strength. Each finished project is numbered and signed by the artist. She also lists the woods used to create the piece on the back.

Artist Statement: Janette Square
“When I create an intarsia for someone, I strive to create something meaningful and personal to them. Whether a portrait of a beloved pet or a landscape of someplace that holds a special meaning, these custom pieces challenge me to bring to life in wood, a part of their life that is important to them. This, I find is the most rewarding aspect of what I do. When my art work brings happiness to someone - it is the best reason I can think of to create it.”

Take a few minutes to visit Janette's web site. She has many beautiful works of art on display as well as some nice patterns for purchase.