Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sand-Flee Portable Drum Sander.

I have received my Sand-Flee 9 inch portable drum sander. I am putting it through it's paces and hope to get a video review up this weekend at the latest. I have received a bunch of email since I posted that I planed to buy the tool. Lots of good feedback and things for me to look at. Thanks.

I spoke with Stephen Raffo who is the President of R.J.R. Studios. They produce this tool as well as other products. He was kind enough to give me his contact info in case I had questions. So far customer service gets an A+. Thanks Stephen.

Stephen also told me that some of you that attended the Long Island woodworking show ratted me out about my comments about his video being a little Billy Mays over the top. We had a good laugh over that. If you have not seen the video look at the earlier post. If Stephen ever needs a second career he will do well as a TV pitchman.

Look for the review soon.