Sunday, April 22, 2012

DIY Heavy Duty Motorized Turntable. Video details of construction included.

I had some time to tinker in the shop today and I prototyped a project that has been on my list for a while. Several months ago I built a turntable from a small wind up motor. I used the turntable for drying small scroll saw projects after spray finish was applied. I would sit the project on the table, wind it up and let it turn while a fan blew it dry. It worked but it was far from a heavy duty turntable. I wanted something better. I wanted it to be strong enough to turn several pounds. If it would then the turntable could serve a dual purpose. It could still be used in my spray booth but it could also be used to showcase projects in a sales display.

I have been on the lookout for a high torque low rpm motor for some time to build a better version of the turntable. These low rpm motors are hard to find at a reasonable price. I wanted it to be 110v AC so I could just plug it into the wall. Today I stumbled upon the perfect solution. A cheap motor that I could buy locally.

The picture above is a rotisserie kit I purchased at Lowes for $30 + tax. The motor runs at about 2 RPM and has enough torque to turn even heavy projects. While I was at Lowes I picked up a 12 inch round table top, lazy susan bearing and I was all set.

The video below will give you the details of how I put this project together. There are no plans and you really don't need any. If you plan to use the turntable for display then you will want to build a better looking box to hold the motor and table. I threw this together quickly and was not going for looks, just function.

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