Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Are you ready for the sweetest scroll saw tip ever published?

Jim Leasor of Kentucky just sent me this tip. I have not tried it myself but how could you pass this one up? While in the checkout line his daughter wanted some candy. She selected M&M's Minis.

Being a scrollers Jim immediately saw the potential of the packaging. After his daughter finished the candy he took the tube to his shop and did a test fit with one of his scroll saw blades. Perfect fit. The tubes easily hold the blades and they are large enough in diameter to hold bunch.

Jim removed the M&M's label and affixed the label from his package of blades. The tubes also come in multiple colors so you can color code your blades.

I did a bit of searching and it looks like the tubes come in two sizes. 1.08oz and 1.94oz. You need the larger size for the blades. I was thinking the smaller tube might be handy for drill bits.

From my searching online it appears that Walmart carries this candy. They seem to range in price from $1.50 to $2.00 per tube. That's not bad considering they come with the candy. I suspect the flap that holds the lid won't last too long but that could be a good thing if you like M&M's.
Jim also whipped up this lazy Susan for the tubes. Thanks for sharing Jim.

No M&M's were harmed during the research for this post. Many of them have mysteriously disappeared however. Local authorities speculate they melted in the mouth but not in the hand.

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