Monday, September 17, 2012

New online scroll saw pattern generator.

Many of you have downloaded my PC programs for generating scroll saw patterns. I appreciate your support of those programs and I will continue to try to add new features and improve their capabilities.

The single biggest request I get is "When will there be a MAC version of the programs?". Tonight I am taking the first step to bringing a cross platform version of the program to everyone. The latest version is online and is accessible to anyone with a web browser. The program is a little limited right now but with your support I hope to encourage the programer to continue development.

The online program currently supports one style of key chain fob and one font for desk name plates. The interface is very simple so you should be able to use the program without much training required. Just take a look at the video for a few details and you shoul dbe ready to use the program.

As always if you find the online version useful and would like to contribute to it's further development please consider a small donation. There is a donation link on the program page. The donations will be given to the programmer. He has worked very hard and I want to thank him for the effort he has put forth so far. Thanks Shane.

The Scrollsaw Workshop is primarily supported by donations. If you enjoy this Blog and would like to make a donation please click this link. Your support is greatly appreciated.Make A Donation