Monday, December 24, 2012

I want to wish everyone around the world a very Merry Christmas. I hope all your holiday wishes come true.

Here is a special treat from Russ Claridy. Russ was feeling especially creative today and whipped up this little scrollers Christmas Carol. It is sang to the tune of Up on the Housetop. Click the play button on the embedded player and sing along. You may not see the player if you are reading this in the email newsletter. If that's the case either wing it or visit the blog for today's post. Thanks Russ I think it's wonderful.

I'm out to my workshop, off I go
Making gifts, feel like Santa ho, ho

Pattern in hand, I just need some glue
I wish you could see what I am making for you

Ho, ho, ho, no one knows
Ho, ho, ho, no one knows

Out to my workshop, hiding is the trick
It's so much fun helping ole Saint Nick

Chosing the wood, is hard you see
Must be cut from a special tree

For the gift, it must have that special look
So you can enjoy all the time it took

Ho, ho, ho no one knows
Ho, ho, ho no one knows

Out to my workshop, hiding is the trick
It's so much fun helping ole Saint Nick

Now to the scrollsaw saw, saw, saw
Must sand and finish not one little flaw

Can't wait to see your eyes all a glow
The smile on your face when you finally know

Ho, ho, ho no one knows
Ho, ho, ho no one knows

Soooo out to my workshop, hiding is the trick
It's so much fun helping ole Saint Nick