My email inbox exploded this morning with people thanking me for the pattern. 26 years, 15 years, 3 months sober. These folks were successfully living sober. I doubt many of them were successful on their first attempt. I sure most of them will tell you it was not easy. Obviously they kept trying. They are still working to be sober. They always will have to work at it. My hope is that if alcohol is causing a problem for you keep trying. It might not be easy but you are worth the effort.
Another unexpected series of email came from people who are now living drug free. They ask me not to forget to include their celebration. There is a less well known group named Narcotics Anonymous. At least it was less well known to me. They also have a logo that members look to for inspiration. The logo is trademarked by their group. Because of this I cannot use the logo as part of a pattern. It's important for corporations and groups to protect their property. I know many of you asked me to make this pattern and I wanted to explain why the pattern does not include the NA logo. I hope you will find this pattern useful in your celebration of life.
Thank all of you for the email. I am sorry that so many emails are going unanswered right now. I am doing my best to read them all. I'll answer as many as I can.