Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Christmas comes early for me!

Hey, that's me!

Bob Calhoun, is a man I have never met in person. Even though we have never stood face to face I feel like he is a personal friend. Bob lives in Australia and has been a reader and contributor to my blog almost from the beginning. Bob is one of those guys that has the ability to make anything he sets his mind to.

A few months ago Bob started working on intarsia portraits. He had sent me a couple pictures of his work and they were very well done. I guess he took the hint when I told him how much I liked them because before I knew it he was doing my portrait. He actually made two. He sent me a picture of the first one and I loved it. Being the perfectionist he is he decided to start over and make it better. And he did.

Well to make a long story short and after a mix up with the post office I received my portrait all the way from Australia today. There are a few gifts you receive in your life that you never forget. I remember my dad buying me a horse for Christmas when I was young. My mom and younger brother made me a chess set one year for Christmas that brought me to tears. My wife gave me a beautiful baby girl. All those are gifts that I will remember because they were so special and full of personal meaning.

Obviously nothing will ever top the gift of my baby girl but bob's portrait of me rates right up there with all the others I have received. It's hard to explain why it means so much to me but it has to do with all the passion I put into the blog and how much it means to me that it is appreciated.

I just wanted everyone to see my gift and to take the time to say thank you Bob. It's appreciated more than you can imagine.