I made a little more progress on the toy box build.
Because the edges of MDF are so porous it's difficult to get a nice painted edge. The paint wants to soak in and leave a rough edge. I use a DIY sealer I make with wood glue and water. I don't have an exact mixture. I just pour a couple heaping spoon fulls of glue into a half cup of water. Stir it up well.
Apply sealer to every edge of the MDF that will be taking paint.
Let the sealer dry for a few hours and apply a second coat of sealer. Let that dry completely and you are ready to paint.
I'm going to use spray paint for this project. My wife said she wanted pink but not Barbie pink. I found this Berry Pink so I bought four cans.
The paint covered pretty well after just one coat but it will still need at least a second coat.
I used 000 steel wool to knock down the texture the paint leaves. You want to get the paint nice and smooth before the next coat. Make sure you remove all the steel wool debris before you apply the next coat. An air compressor does a good job. Protect your eyes.
Tomorrow I will get the painting finished. I will attach the lid with some decorative hinges. Once that is finished I can start with the scroll saw work. I know I will scroll the child's name in large letters for the front of the box. I have some decision making for the rest of the ornamentation if any. Maybe butterflies.

If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.