Another hobby I have always enjoyed is photography. I have thousands of pictures sitting on my hard drive. I decided I would use a few of these pictures as jigsaw puzzles. This pattern book contains the 10.5 X 6.67 inch X 126 piece jigsaw template. I have also included 10 of my pictures that you are welcome to cut and sell or enjoy for yourself. There are full instruction for setting up and cutting the puzzles. The process is simple. All you need is an inkjet printer with photo paper, 1/4 inch thick Baltic Birch plywood, 1/8" thick Baltic Birch plywood, blades appropriate for cutting puzzles and your scroll saw.
You can buy Flying Dutchman Superior Puzzle Blades at Mike is a solid source for all your scroll saw blades. His service is great and the blades are some of the best you can buy. The best news is they are no more expensive than inferior blades.
You need a blade that removes very little wood so the puzzle pieces will fit tightly together after they are cut. These very thin blades are a must for good puzzles.
If you enjoy this free pattern book and would like to create puzzles form your pictures I have the following digital book for sale. The book contains templates for the following picture sizes.
5x5 25 piece
4x6 24 piece
5x7 35 piece
8x10 80 piece
4x6 96 piece
5x7 140 piece
8x10 320 piece
The book sells for $7 and is an instant download after the online payment if completed. After you payment you will be given a link to download the book.
Warning: This pattern is a large download. If you do not have a high speed internet connection it might take a while. The file is 8 megs.