This project requires a 4 x 6 inch oval mirror. I purchased mine at Woodcraft. I used 1/2" white oak for my mirror that I got from Mystic Hardwoods. The mirror is 13 and 1/4" long.
You will need to understand how to cut a relief cut on your scroll saw. This is a technique where to tilt the saws table a few degrees. When you cut the oval at an angle the piece will not come completely out. This can be used to create the recess for the mirror. Below is a diagram of a relief cut.

You will need a relief of about 1/8". The depth is determined by the angle of the cut and the thickness of the blade. Use a scrap piece of the project wood to test a relief until the required depth is achieved. On my mirror I set the table to a 6 degree angle with a #5 blade. You also want to make sure you tilt the table so the cutout falls toward the back of the mirror. Remember to do test cut on scrap until you get it correct.
Make sure you set the table back to 0 degrees after you cut the relief. You want the rest of the cuts square.
Because of the size of the mirror the pattern has been cut in two pieces and will need to be taped together before applying to the wood.
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