The God Bless America box is all 1/4" thick wood. The box is approximately 6.5" x 7" and 3" deep.
The fish Bowl pattern is 4 layers of 1/4" thick and the base is 1/2" thick.
Question for Subscribers.
I received two emails this weekend asking the same question so I wanted to mention my answer.
The questions were a little different. One asked what my favorite woods were to cut on the scroll saw. The other asked what the best woods were to cut on the scroll saw.
First, I'll start with my favorite woods because that is much easier to answer. I like to use domestics because I am allergic to some exotic woods. I use walnut and soft maple together often. The two kinds of wood contrast so well that the project always looks good. After those two species, I love cutting cherry wood. Walnut has gotten more expensive lately so I will sometimes substitute cherry wood. It is not as dar as walnut but it darkens with age.
My least favorite wood to use on the scroll saw is Red Oak. I like to look of it but I don't like how it cuts. The grain is so wide open that the blade can want to follow the grain and not the pattern line. The open grain can also be a problem with weak areas of the pattern. You have to use care to prevent breaking the piece while cutting.
I love the look of exotic woods like purple heart, bubinga, bloodwood, and cocobolo but I found out the hard way that I am allergic to bubinga. After building a desk from Bubinga I was ill with a cough for a few days. When I got a splinter in my finger from the bubinga it turned red and did a lot of swelling.
When the question goes to what is the best wood to cut on the scroll saw it is difficult to answer. There are different considerations. How easy is it to cut? What does it look like? is it appropriate for the project? It may be silly to use expensive wood for a simple jig. African Blackwood is very dense and hard so some projects might need that hardness but it is also $100 a board foot.
I also use a lot of Baltic birch plywood. It is a very high quality ply but it is still plywood. Some projects are just not appropriate for plywood. If you are building a craft project then ply may be fine but if it is a cremation urn for a loved one then plywood seems inappropriate.
Everything I just mentioned is only my opinion. Some scrollers love red oak. If you try a species and have good results then that is the best wood at that moment. I have cut most of the domestic wood and more than a few exotics. Some were more trouble than others to cut but I don't think I ever gave up on the cut.
I have never tried to cut Lignum vitae, the hardest and densest wood in the world. I would like to give it a try but I understand that it is considered an endangered species so I don't believe it is available.
There are over 100,000 species of wood in the world so there are plenty to choose from. The biggest hurdle is sourcing some species. Some online sellers can source several exotics if you are interested in them. My favorite is . They have a good selection of both exotics and domestics. Their prices are fair and they normally ship quickly. Just be prepared for sticker shock when you see the shipping cost.
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Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Box Pattern
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