I often receive questions about how to re-size my patterns. One option I have talked about before is a program called RapidResizer by Patrick Roberts. Well I have great news for the readers of the Scrollsaw Workshop. Patrick has created a new online version of his outstanding program. Even better news is that he is allowing readers of the Scrollsaw Workshop to use the service free for re-sizing the patterns from my collection.
To do this you will currently need the interface program I have written that can be downloaded from the download button below. The program does not require installation. Just extract the file and place it on your desktop or other folder. Complete instruction are in the video below.
Important notes:
This interface program will only work for patterns you have downloaded from my blog or email newsletter. If you wish to re-size other patterns simply go to the RapidResizer online site and upload the pattern from there.
You cannot currently use the online interface to select a page number from my pattern books to re-size. You need this interface program to do that. Patrick is working on that option for the online interface but it is not available yet.
You really need to watch the video tutorial below to get a good understanding of how this interface program works. Please watch it before emailing questions.
Late Correction to this post. In the video I state that this interface program will not be needed after Patrick adds page selection to his site. That is incorrect. If you wish to re-size my patterns for free you will always need to use this interface program. Patrick has already added the page selection feature and it will be useful for your other patterns. Sorry for the error.