Have you been good? Only Santa and you know the truth. This Santa and Christmas tree are nearly nine inches tall.
Personalized Christmas Ornament Orders:
All orders have been sent out. If you do not see your order in your email please check your spam folder. If you don't find it, email me and I'll send it again. Thanks for the orders and keep them coming. I'm still getting them out in 48 hours.
Order your personalized Christmas ornament patterns. Click Here.
Here is some boring but important information. This gives me something to link to when I get emails asking about use of my patterns.
Are there any restrictions on the projects made from my patterns? I have received this question several times lately. Some designers put a limit on the number of projects you can make from a pattern. You see this often on patterns published in magazines.
I do not put any restrictions on the number of projects made or sold from my patterns including mass production. You are free to make and sell as many as you can. I also do not require attribution. This includes the use of lasers, CNC machines or other type of production.
I do ask that my patterns not be uploaded to any other site. I also ask that you do not link directly to my patterns from another site. Please link to the catalog main page or to my blog. Preferably my blog. Ask that they use my catalog to search for the pattern. Directly linking cost me money. I need the person to see my blog so I have a chance of getting another reader.
Please do not sell my patterns. Do not charge a handling or shipping fee to give the patterns to another person. Do not include the patterns in a compilation disk that will be sold.
If you give the pattern to another person please include the entire book including the cover page. The cover page is my branding. My patterns are free but I do try to make money to cover expenses and make a profit. My branding is important.
If you need to take my patterns to a commercial print shop for printing there are instructions for the printer staff at the bottom of the cover page. It gives them permission to print the document. They may refuse for copyright reasons and this will help them.
I try to be very liberal when it comes to the use of my free patterns. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Another question I get a lot is if I will sell the template for my personalized Christmas ornaments. Please understand that I make a few bucks off these custom patterns. I have many professional scrollers who order and sell these personalized ornaments to their customers. That works great. I make a few bucks and they sell to their customer at a markup and make a few bucks. If I sell or give you the template you make a few bucks selling the same thing I am selling and I get very little or nothing. In other words I do not sell the template for the personalized ornaments. I do not sell the templates for the personalized ornaments from previous years.
The Bear Woods $75 gift certificate giveaway is well under way. Click the link to get your entry in. Why miss out on free stuff. If you play the Powerball you have a 1 in 292 million chance of winning. If you play this contest you have better than 1 in a thousand chance of winning. Would you rather have $75 that cost you nothing or nothing that costs you $2? Your choice.

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The Scroll Saw Lifter - for the Dewalt 788 and Delta 40-690 Scroll Saws
Do you own a DeWalt or Delta scroll saw? Check out this product. This lifter is made by a friend of mine and it works great. Keeps that upper are up while changing blades.
- Easy to install - all mounting hardware included
- Easy to use - one hand operation - makes your scrolling easier and more fun.
- Made with quality components - Anodized Aluminum...Stainless Steel...Steel
- Designed to last the life of your Dewalt or Delta Scroll Saw
- Note: All Lifters ship via USPS Priority Mail and arrive in US locations in about 3-5 days.