Captain's log, Stardate 76217.1. This Starship model is over 10.5" long. It is cut from 1/8" thick Baltic birch plywood and painted. It was designed for a laser cutter but can easily be cut with the scroll saw. I kept it pretty simple. Laser cutter folks could easily add a lot of detail by engraving graphics on the pieces.
What are my favorite woods to cut on the scroll saw?
This is a very common question I get especially from people just getting started in the scroll saw hobby. It is a difficult question to answer because I change my mind all the time. Walnut use to be one of my favorites but now the price has been creeping up so that holds me back. I still love the way it cuts. It looks beautiful when finished but the cost is a factor.
I love the beauty of cherry and the current prices are not bad. It cuts well but does have a tendency to scorch the edges if you don't take precautions.
I also like soft maple a lot. Mostly because it contrasts so well with walnut.
Mahogany is one of my favorites but it is creeping up in price just like walnut.
I like Padauk but I have a reaction to the dust so I don't cut it very often, plus it is crazy expensive right now. Bubinga is another wood that I have an allergic reaction to, I cough for a few days after using it.
I have cut many domestic varieties of wood and only have a few that I just stay away from. I am not a fan of Red Oak because I don't like the wide-open grain. It can be tricky to cut sometimes.
There are a few kinds of wood like Yellowheart, Wenge, and Zebrawood that I enjoy cutting because they are so unique looking but they are even more expensive than Padauk and $20+ a board foot.
I am not a fan of Poplar just because it is so plain. I will use if when I plan to paint the project or is the project is more utility based.
I have cut quite a few exotic woods but I mostly stick with domestic just because they are easier to get.
I use a ton of Baltic birch plywood. Not because I like to so much as that I am using it to test cut projects. It cuts great but does not have anywhere near the beauty of a nice hardwood board. Most of the time I would opt to use hardwood on a scroll saw project if I intended to gift or sell it. 99% of the project I cut are just test cuts so BB plywood is fine for that.
None of these are necessarily recommendations because everyone has different aesthetic values and tastes. The choice of wood is also greatly impacted by the type of project.
2022 Personalized Christmas Ornament Patterns are open for orders.
The order form will accept up to twenty names. If you need more than twenty then start a new order form. PLEASE double-check the spelling of names. PLEASE, make sure that you select an ornament style for each name entered. After the order form is complete scroll to the bottom and hit the SUBMIT Button.
I will complete the order and email you the patterns as a PDF just like all the patterns in my catalog. You will not need to pay for the patterns until they are delivered. If you are pleased with the patterns there will be a payment link in the email. There will also be an address to send cash or check payments
My goal is to complete the orders within three days. As the holiday season gets into full swing I may need more time. I will keep times posted on the blog.
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Personalized Pet Ornaments are $2 per name with no minimum order.

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2021 on DVD, USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 3,600 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Three delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skill are necessary to extract the file.
The USB drive will be shipped to the US only first-class mail. Shipping time varies but you will get a tracking number. I normally ship within three days. USPS shipping normally varies from three days to a week.
The DVD is manufactured and shipped by my distributor. They ship to several countries but not all. Check their shipping list to see if your country is supported.
Here is a quick video showing you what you will get when you purchase the offline Scrollsaw Workshop Catalog
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
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