This nativity is small. Just the right size for a desk. It is 4.25" tall. There are three layers. Each layer is 1/4" thick. This would also make a nice stocking stuffer.
Deep dive into nerdville:
I am going to go way off-topic here but I think it is cool. My son-in-law and I are both heavy into technology. He is a professional programmer/online marketing/web designer guru. I am a tech nerd with none of his skills but we can still talk shop. He gets over my head pretty often but I pretend like I know what he is talking about so it works.
We all went to dinner the other night and Shane asked me if I had seen the new openAI ChatGPT client that everyone is talking about. I had already used it some but he had already developed use cases for it
I'm quoting "ChatGPT is an open-source natural language processing (NLP) project developed by Microsoft Research. It is a conversational AI system that can generate natural-sounding responses to user queries in a conversational chatbot interface. The system is built on a deep learning-based language model, trained on a large corpus of conversations, and is capable of understanding and responding to user questions in a human-like way."
So who cares? Well, a lot of people are just finding out the power of this thing. Universities are trying to find a way to stop students from using it to write term papers. It writes professional-level ad copy and much much more.
I have been deep diving into openAI and allowing it to write programming code for me. Yes, it can write programs from a simple English request. Example: "Write a web page using HTML, CSS, and javascript to randomly draw a circle on the screen. Move and bounce the circle on the screen." Simple concept but it wrote original code that worked the first time. It can write programs in just about any programming language. I had it write a clipboard manager in object pascal that works great. In that case, I had it generate the subroutines and I did the user interface.
Here is the web page it created.
So I tell you all this stuff because of the poem below. AI wrote this poem from scratch. It did not copy it from an online source. I ran it against Grammarly Plagiarism Checker and it does not detect plagiarism. It understands the topic and symbolism of Nativity. There are some slight grammar errors but it is pretty nice in my opinion. The world is changing.
Shepherds watched, angels sung
As a star shone brightly in the sky
A baby boy was born, in a manger on this night
Sent from Heaven, the world's savior, and light
Mary and Joseph, a mother and father so kind
A humble pair welcomed a baby divine
The shepherds, the magi, all knelt in awe
As God's son brought peace to us all
A stable so humble, a mother so fair
A father so patient, a baby so rare
A night that will live in memory forever
The birth of our savior, so holy and pure
The world was made new, the promise of hope
The coming of Jesus, the source of our love
The night of the nativity, a gift to us all
The story of Jesus, forever enthralled
The order form will accept up to twenty names. If you need more than twenty then start a new order form. PLEASE double-check the spelling of names. PLEASE, make sure that you select an ornament style for each name entered. After the order form is complete scroll to the bottom and hit the SUBMIT Button.
I will complete the order and email you the patterns as a PDF just like all the patterns in my catalog. You will not need to pay for the patterns until they are delivered. If you are pleased with the patterns there will be a payment link in the email. There will also be an address to send cash or check payments
My goal is to complete the orders within three days. As the holiday season gets into full swing I may need more time. I will keep times posted on the blog.
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Personalized Pet Ornaments are $2 per name with no minimum order.

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in its proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2021 on DVD, USB drive, or Instant Download. Over 3,600 Patterns!
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.You will never run out of fun patterns to cut.
Three delivery options.
After payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This is a large file. You should not attempt to download it on a tablet or smartphone. It is a compressed file that will need to be extracted to your hard drive. Basic computer skill are necessary to extract the file.
The USB drive will be shipped to the US only first-class mail. Shipping time varies but you will get a tracking number. I normally ship within three days. USPS shipping normally varies from three days to a week.
The DVD is manufactured and shipped by my distributor. They ship to several countries but not all. Check their shipping list to see if your country is supported.
Here is a quick video showing you what you will get when you purchase the offline Scrollsaw Workshop Catalog
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
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