Just a little short. If this sign doesn't give you at least a quick chuckle then you have made a lot fewer mistakes in the shop than I have. I can't count the number of times that I have had to get my board stretcher out when I came up just a little short on a cut.
If you decide to make this sign for your shop don't try to be neat or accurate. It looks better sloppy. Sloppy miters and blotchy stain on the frame are just the ticket.

Perfect Laser Cuts Evert Time:
A growing number of subscribers who come to my blog are from the laser cutter community. Many of my scroll saw patterns work well with the laser cutters so I am happy to have you folks with me.
I also have a laser cutter and use it every day to make my customized Signature Coins for my readers. They are time-consuming to make and I make a lot of them so it's important that I optimize the process.
One huge problem is that Baltic birch plywood can give lasers fits. One cut will be perfect and then the next board will not cut well at all.
When I have a bad cut on one of my signature coin cards I have to throw it out and make another one. This can cost me over ten minutes of wasted time. That really adds up when I have several orders to get completed.
In this video, I show the technique I have started using to eliminate the bad Baltic birch ply boards and get perfect cuts every time. If you own a laser you have probably experienced this same issue so I thought I would share my process.
For my scroll saw readers you probably won't have much interest in this video but is does show the Signature coins well if you might be interested in purchasing them.

2007-2018 Scrollsaw Workshop Catalog DVD Now Available. $20
First day sales of the Pattern DVD were exceptional. Thank you to all of you who purchased the product. My distributor, Kunaki should get your orders shipped out soon. When to see your payment on your credit card it will be to Kunaki.
$20 plus shipping
For those of you who have been waiting for the update, it is now available to order.
For those of you who are new here are the details.
Every year in January I compile all the scroll saw patterns that I have designed and put them on a DVD. The DVD includes every pattern from 2007-present. Currently, that is over 2,600 patterns.
Why should you buy the DVD? These are the same patterns that are in my free online catalog. You do not have to buy the DVD to have access to the patterns.
The DVD is produced because so many people asked for it. People want to have the patterns available locally. In some cases, they want the patterns for their club library. Others like the ease of searching the patterns on their local computer. Many people buy the DVD just to support what I do.
The #1 reason I have been told that the DVD catalog is needed is that they fear I will go offline and all the pattern will be gone forever.
Whatever your reason I truly appreciate you purchasing the DVD. The sales from this product go a long way to support what I do here on the blog.

Limited Time Offer from Heritage Wood Specialties:
Take advantage of this limited time offer of free shipping. Stock up now on the boards you need for projects this winter. Offer ends 1/31/2019. Act now.
Note: Free shipping applies to orders in the lower 48 states only.

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in it's proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2018 in DVD
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has over 2,600 patterns published from 2007 thru 2018.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
If you use the DVD on a Windows PC there is a simple viewer program to browse through the patterns.
The DVD also works fine on a MAC. The viewer program is not MAC compatible but there is an included PDF with all the patterns shown as thumbnails for easy viewing.
Scroll Saw Pattern Design Tutorial: DVD
Let me teach you to create a beautiful wooden portrait pattern. I will show you everything you need from start to finish. The video will show you the free software program you can download for Windows or Mac OS. I will show you how to install the program and configure it for best results.
Let me teach you to create a beautiful wooden portrait pattern. I will show you everything you need from start to finish. The video will show you the free software program you can download for Windows or Mac OS. I will show you how to install the program and configure it for best results.
Then I will show you the technique to take your photograph and make a pattern from it. When the pattern is complete we will go in the shop and cut it.
The DVD is $10 plus shipping. This is a data DVD that you will use on your computer to watch the video tutorial
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
My Sponsors:
Support the businesses who support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.

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