This clock stands 10'' tall and 4'' wide. It requires a 2 3/4" clock insert. Woodcraft #142320. The hole for the clock is 2 3/8'' in diameter. For the best clock fit use a 2 3/8'' fostner bit to drill the hole for the clock. If you don't have one that big it's fine to cut the hole with the scroll saw. Just be careful not to over cut the hole or the clock won't fit snug. Cut it tight and sand to fit.

Read the direction. The red indicates IMPORTANT INFO.
Each day there will be a button somewhere on my
blog that say's "Contest Entry".
Find and click the button. This will open your email client.
Simply type your first and last name in the email and click send.
Do not change the "Subject Field".
You can enter
one time a day. Duplicates the same day will be
Enter every day for the best chance to win.
The button will move to
different places from time to time. Keep looking.
I will randomly select a winner the
last day of the month. More often if I can but at least once a month.
I will ship the book anywhere in the world that Amazon ships. This includes most of the world. I wanted to do a giveaway that would include my readers all over the world.
If you get an email stating that the contest deadline has passed just ignore it. It will take a couple days for the auto-responder to update.
Good luck and enter often.
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