Cut the legs and join them with 1/4" diameter dowel stock. Then cut the face. Drill the pips so the 3/8" diameter dowel stock can be glued into the holes and sanded flush. Experiment with different drill bits to make sure you get a good sung fit. Not all dowel stock is sized exactly as labeled.
Pay attention to the details. Watch the grain of the wood on the clock face. It should run vertical. When you glue in the dowel for the four pips on the face make sure the grain runs with the clock face. Take the time to get the dowels sanded flush with the face and legs. When you assemble the leg assembly make sure it stands without rocking on two of the legs. Both legs need to be exactly the same height.
The face is just glued to the front legs assemble. I did it that way to make sure you could get the face square. You want the face vertical. Notice how the wooden box around the clock movement sits on the legs.
This is you chance to practice cutting perfect circles. If the face is not round it will stand out badly. Your blade should never lose contact with the pattern line when cutting the circle. If you need to tip for cutting circles take a look at the video below.

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If you would like to have all the patterns in the Scrollsaw Workshop catalog you can buy the first six years DVD and the 2013 update DVD at this link. DVD #1 is $20 and contains over 1,100 patterns. The 2013 update DVD is $7.50 and has another 178 patterns.