This is just a simple Halloween decoration pattern. It is about eight inches tall. I am showing the simulated image above painted black and white. The white is a second layer backer board.
Personalized Christmas Ornament Orders:
I am receiving a few orders for the Personalized Christmas ornaments who are asking for the name to be blank. I don't sell just the template. I do these patterns to help fund the Scrollsaw Workshop. Giving the template away for you to add the name kind of defeats the purpose.
If you really need the patterns to be free, just order a set with names and blank the names out
using Inkscape. I would hope that you only do this if funds are very tight. I want you to have the patterns. If you can't afford them then I understand. I try to keep the patterns as inexpensive as possible so more people can make them.
If you don't have the ability to use Inkscape to blank out the names or pay and you need a set of ornament patterns please just email me and I will make sure you get them.
Thanks for understanding.

Wonderful gift for my wife and me From Ed Munson.
Click Images to Enlarge
I had a package delivered yesterday. It was a surprise gift from one of my subscribers by the name of Ed Munson. Ed cut these coins on his DeWalt DW788 scroll saw. They are absolutely beautiful and the craftsmanship is incredible. Notice that he cut the interior of the letters out. That takes skill and a very tiny drill bit. :)
The belt buckle silver dollar was for me and the Kennedy half a dollar was for Patty. Patty has been interested in the Kennedy family for years. She reads all the books and watches the documentaries. This was the perfect gift for Patty and helped her feel better as she recovers from surgery.
I had to share these with everyone because I know many of you will enjoy seeing the craftsmanship that Ed put into this jewelry.
Ed, I just wanted to once again tell you how much appreciated these gifts were. It was very special for you to include Patty and ask about her recovery. She was touched as was I. Thank you.

Dasher Pattern Link Error.
The link that went out in yesterdays post was incorrect. I sent out a second email with the correct link but if you missed it here it is again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sneak Peek, Large Personalized Christmas Door Ornament:
For the last few years, I have taken orders for a large personalized Christmas door ornament. They have always been popular so I am working on another one for this year. The one above is what I have decided on for 2019. It is just under 12 inches tall. There are two layers. In the one above I painted the backer board white and the ornament red.
I will start taking orders as soon as I can get the automation software written and the order form completed. I am shooting for Sunday. The price per name will be $5. The patterns will be delivered by email. You only pay after you receive the pattern and are completely satisfied.
The email will include an invoice to pay securely online with a credit card through PayPal or you can pay with cash or check.

Personalized Christmas Ornament Patterns:
I am still making good progress on ornament patterns. I should be able to get caught up today. If you have orders in the queue, keep your eye on your email inbox.
The price is $1 per name with a 5 name minimum. I keep the price as low as possible
because I want everyone to have a chance to make these ornaments for family and friends.
You only pay after you have received the order and are
100% satisfied with the patterns. Invoice included with
the pattern email. Pay by credit card(secure Paypal), check, or cash.
The patterns will be emailed to you after they are completed.
Please allow up to a week for delivery.
You can use last names on the ornaments if you like but remember that the more letters the more
difficult they are to cut. Ten letters and up gets pretty small. If you need to you can enlarge the patterns by 10% to make the interior cuts larger. No special characters are supported. I can get a hyphen in there but it looks odd. It has to connect the two letters so it does not just fall out.

$12 per sheet of 12 coins plus $3.50 shipping
Inlay with a 1" Forstner Bit.
The perfect way to sign your work.

Email Newsletter Readers: Remember that the Newsletter is just a copy of the daily blog post. To see the post in it's proper formatting click this link. If you ever misplace a pattern or any item you see here you can always find it on the blog. Everything stays on the blog forever.
Every Scrollsaw Workshop Pattern from 2007-2018 in DVD
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has over 2,600 patterns published from 2007 thru 2018.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
If you use the DVD on a Windows PC there is a simple viewer program to browse through the patterns.
The DVD also works fine on a MAC. The viewer program is not MAC compatible but there is an included PDF with all the patterns shown as thumbnails for easy viewing.
All the same file but in an easy to use a thumb drive. The USB thumb drive option is $23 plus shipping.
Now Available on USB Thumb Drive
Don't have a DVD drive on your new computer. No problem. Buy the catalog on a USB thumb drive.All the same file but in an easy to use a thumb drive. The USB thumb drive option is $23 plus shipping.
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video Demonstration.
My Sponsors:
Support the businesses who support our community.
Home of Pegas scroll saw blades.

6 mm 1/4 x 12 x 12 Inch Premium Baltic Birch Plywood, Box of 25 B/BB Birch Veneer Sheets, Perfect for Laser CNC Cutting and Wood Burning Projects. by Woodpeckers
Baltic birch plywood is perfect for cutting Christmas ornaments like the ones I am taking orders for. Amazon(Woodpeckers) sells 12" X 12" sheets in bundles of 8, 12, or 25 sheets.
You can cut four of the basic and candle patterns from one 12" X 12" sheet so the cost per ornament is about 60 cents. The tree layer nativity ornament will tak most of one sheet.
If you have a local source for Baltic birch plywood then that will probably be a better deal. This price is a little high but it is very convenient. It is already cut into 12" X 12" sheets. Cutting down 5' X 5" sheets from the lumber store is a pain.
- GRADE B/BB – This hardwood has a single piece face and a back veneer. The face veneer has a smooth surface with a light uniform color, while the back surface typically has 1-2 small color-matched patches. The thick face veneer also provides a smoother surface for CNC routers or engraving machines to glide on the wood.
- HEAVY-DUTY – This multi-coated plywood made from Baltic Birch offers exceptional durability, rigidity, and stability. Its surfaces also provide excellent holding power for glue and screws.
- MADE IN Russia – Known as one of the top producers of lumber in the world, this Russia-made plywood was manufactured using the latest methods in wood production to build construction hardwood that’s extremely durable and creep-resistant.
- SCROLL SAW AND LASER CUTTER COMPATIBLE – The thick layers of this Baltic Birch Plywood are designed to smoothly glide through scroll saws and laser cutters, making it the perfect plywood for both low- and high-production woodworks that require efficient woodcutting.
- EXCELLENT AFTER-SALES SERVICE – We are dedicated to partnering with business owners, home crafters, and woodwork artisans who strive to perfect their crafts. Our highly trained customer care agents are equipped with expertise regarding our products, and we will be happy to assist you with your concerns and inquiries.