This Easter pattern is almost ten inches tall. It's hard to believe Easter is almost here. We have had almost no winter here in Kentucky. It's been very mild. I'm not complaining but spring is not far away.
For many of you who don't have heated workshops spring can never get here soon enough. Our winters are mild enough that I can heat my shop with a kerosene heater. This winter I have used it maybe three times. I can work without the heater down to about 50 degrees. After that I like to start the heater if I'm going to be in the shop over a few minutes. Because my shop is insulated pretty well I usually only have it on for half an hour. Then I can turn it off for a couple hours. It's much easier to heat my shop than to cool it.
I have a portable AC unit in the shop but I have to run it almost nonstop to keep the temp under 80 degrees during hot weeks.(tough on the electric bill) I like to work around 70 degrees so the summer is more difficult that the winter for me. I feel for you folks in the deep south and far north. I know I could have it much worse.
Information: Off topic
Back in the day they were called tinkerers. Today they are called makers. Same thing just a different time and new tools.
I know there are many makers (tinkerers) who read my blog. We like to just go out in the shop and make things. There is a great deal of satisfaction in building something with your own hands and then putting it to use.
A few weeks ago I bought a 3D printer. I had pretty much written off the technology as a "not ready for prime time" fad for the consumer market. I knew the big research companies used 3D printing with great success but I also knew they spent millions to make it happen. No way a $1,500 3D printer could really do anything for me in my shop. I was wrong in two ways. It did not take a $1,500 3D printer, it took a $200 3D printer. I was also wrong about it not being useful for me.
Within the first week I had designed, printed and sold a few hundred dollars worth of product. I paid for the printer in one day. Granted I have a following that allowed me to reach an audience but it still blows my mind.
I have continued to teach myself 3D CAD. It's not easy by any stretch but it is achievable with some effort. I still have along way to go but I'm getting there. Without learning the CAD software I would have no use for the 3D printer. Printing things other people have designed is not something I care about.
Today I designed and printed the objects in the picture above. They may not look exciting but to a tinkerer they are magic. That 1/4" 20 bolt was designed in free software, printed on a $200 3D printer and it fits perfect. Yes they are plastic but they are strong enough for many applications. Yes I could run down to Home Depot and get a 1/4" 20 bolt for 20 cents.
None of that matters because now I can design and make custom hardware. If I need a bolt with a specialized head I just have to design it. If I need a custom bracket, no problem. They won't work for every application but they don't have to. Wood won't work for every application either but I still use it.
This technology is not for everyone and in that way it really is not for the consumer market. It is however a fantastic tool for anyone with the desire to learn new things.
My mind is officially blown. Just saying.
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has 1,964 patterns published from 2007 thru 2016.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
You can view a video showing use of the DVD on a Windows PC and a MAC at this link
Click here to Order.
Click here to Order.
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video

Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer
I can't say enough good things about this inexpensive printer.
- Support for All Filament Types: The heated build plate and wide range of extruder temperatures allow this printer to work with any type of filament, from basic filaments, such as ABS and PLA, to more advanced materials, such as conductive PLA, wood and metal composites, or dissolvable PVA.
- Monoprice Quality Assurance/Technical Assistance: Live chat Mon through Fri 6am – 6pm PST | Phone at 877-271-2592 Mon through Fri 6am – 5pm PST.
- Compact Desktop Design: Featuring a small footprint and basic, open frame design, this 3D printer is compact enough for any desk.
- Ready to Print: Unlike most other low-cost 3D printers, this printer ships fully assembled and has already been calibrated at the factory. We even include sample PLA filament and a MicroSD card with preinstalled models, so you can start printing right out of the box! Heated aluminum build plate nozzle cooling fan for printing all filament types. Complete kit with sample PLA filament, bed scraper, and MicroSD card with preloaded model files. Micro USB and MicroSD card connectivity. PC and Mac compatible. Compatible with Cura, Repetier, and other software