Sometimes I like to go into the shop and just play with ideas. I wanted to do a project that was purely art for arts sake. I knew I was going to play with basic shapes. I freehand drew a few shapes until I found a couple things I liked.
That was the beginning of this project. I went back up to my computer and started putting the shapes together in groups of three. Once I had three sculptures I liked I headed back to the shop. I cut one of the patterns but it looked too plain.
That's when I had the idea to laminate thin strips of Bubinga with the Hard Maple boards. I did one with the strip running along the grain of the Maple board. The other Maple board was cut at an angle and glued it back together with the Bubinga strip. You can see both below in the picture. I did plan where I wanted the thin strip to intersect in the pattern.
I used the angled strip board to cut the sculpture above. I liked the sculpture much better with the accent.
This project may not appeal to everyone buy if you enjoy abstract sculpture as I do you might find this a good starting point to design your own sculptures. If you come up with something interesting I would love to see it. Send me pictures and I'll post them on the blog with your permission.