Interesting video about the Excalibur EX21. I noticed Woodcraft is now selling this model.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Excalibur 21" Scroll Saw Model EX21
Posted by Steve Good at 11:15:00 PM
Desk Signs
Here is a little project that some of you might like. This little guy can hold a sign with different text. I have included a few different signs and a blank. This will be easy to customize to what ever you want it to say.
I also included the drawing and painting guide. A little craft paint and a Sharpie permanent marker for the outlines are all you will need.
Make A Donation
Posted by Steve Good at 8:53:00 PM
Wish Alan luck.
I received these pictures today from Alan. He used corian to cut the Hallow Vase pattern I posted the other day. I think they look great. Alan will be entering these projects in the Tri-County scrollers show in June. Good luck in the show Alan. Make sure you take pictures of the blue ribbons and share them with us.
Posted by Steve Good at 2:30:00 PM
Heritage Wood Specialties. Scroll saw ready boards!
Heritage Wood Specialties is a nationally recognized supplier of superior quality hardwoods to fine woodworkers across the US and Canada. Novice hobbyists and experienced enthusiasts alike can enjoy the high quality woodworking materials and kits available from Heritage Wood Specialties. Great source for scroll saw ready boards.
Free Pattern Catalog. 1000's of free patterns.
Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw Book $12 Each
Watch the following video to see how easy these beautiful scroll saw vases
are to make.
Order the $3 pdf Catalog
Stencil Printer Instruction Video.
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer update 1.1

Scroll Saw Keychain Pattern Maker

Download the Oval Keychain Pattern Maker.

Philip Lowndes Noah's Arc Pattern Available. Watch the video below.

Think Safety
The Scrollsaw Workshop Blog is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Magazine formerly (Scroll Saw Workshop Magazine) or it's publisher Fox Chapel Publishing.
Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts