This is my favorite post to make each month. I get great pictures sent to me from all over the world of projects made by my readers. Here are several from the last few weeks. Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to send their work.
The first six are from William. Looks like you have been busy at the saw lately.Check out the next three from Ted. Some professional level work here. The plexi Dragon is outstanding. I would like to have that one my shelf.
The next four are from Ron. Check out the beautiful blanket chest. You can't see it in the photo but Ron added a scrolled name to the bottom right of the chest. That was a nice touch Ron
This next one is from Jim. Is that some wild grain going on there or what. That vase pattern is one of my favorite patterns to make.
Jerri sent this mini clock project. There must be a lot of guitarist out there because this pattern was downloaded almost 2000 times.
Don sent me this one. This pattern always makes a great gift.
I received this picture from Dave. He said in his email that his interest in scrolling was renewed when he came across my blog a couple months ago. I have to tell you that is why I do this blog thing. Emails like that make my day. Thanks Dave.
The next four are from Bob. Nice work Bob. The bow box is one of my wife's favorite patterns. The word art clocks were also a very popular pattern. I received dozens of reader emails with more sayings to put on the clock pattern. I'll be making another book of these soon.
I know that these picture posts slow the blog down a bit. It just takes a while to load all the extra pictures. I get emails every time I do this about the slow down. It's worth it to me because my blog is all about getting new scrollers involved in the hobby. I want everyone to see that they too can make these projects. There are thousands of scroll saw artist all over the world. Anyone can do this hobby. If you are thinking about buying a scroll saw go for it. It's a great hobby. It's not that expensive and you can learn in just a matter of days to make great projects.
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