Make these beautiful word necklaces with your scroll saw. If you are planning to sell the earrings I published the other day you might as well add these word necklaces to your product line. There are five words in this set and I'll do more in other sets later if the demand is there. To the left is the entire set.
You can play around with the size of the patterns to your preference. I would not make them thicker than 1/8" or they start to look clunky.
You can purchase the chain you like from Amazon at this link . Also pick up some jump rings to assemble the necklace.
Secret Word Giveaway:
In this video there will be a secret word flashed on the screen. Remember the word for a special giveaway detailed below.
Video review. This is a must watch if you want to order scroll saw ready boards online.
You have bought a scroll saw and now you need something to cut. Where can you get reliable boards in the thickness you need. The big box stores have a very limited supply if at all. You are lucky if you have a local mill that sells in thin thicknesses. You have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy the machinery to mill your own so what do you do? You buy online.
I am very excited to publish this video. It is something I have tried to accomplish for a few years. I have looked for an online source of scroll saw ready boards that I could get behind and recommend to my readers. I think I have found that source. You have seen the adverts I have posted for a few weeks here on the blog. Heritage Wood Specialties. I am convinced they are a very good source of scroll saw ready boards and I wanted to do a video to show what they can do.
This is a detailed video of a sample pack they sent me to review. I go into detail of what I received and talk about why I reached out to them and made a deal. I also explain the deal I made with them so you can make your decision on my intentions.
Secret Word Giveaway Details:
You have to be in the 48 contiguous United States to be eligible.
1. Watch the video and note the secret word flashed on the screen.
2. Send an email to with the secret word in the subject of the email.
3. Include you first and last name in the body of the email.
4. Entries will be accepted until 1/29/2017 midnight Eastern time
5. Only one entry per person accepted.
6. I will do a random drawing from the entries Monday 1/30/2017.
7. The winner will receive their choice of five sheets of 1/4" X 24" X 24" Baltic Birch Plywood. or
two scroll saw blanks 1/4" X 12" X 16" of from your choice of cherry, cedar, birds eye maple, curly maple or walnut.
If you do not follow the rules your entry will be rejected.
Purchase the entire Scrollsaw Workshop pattern catalog for offline access.
This DVD has 1,964 patterns published from 2007 thru 2016.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
The DVD is $20 plus shipping. Ships to 60 countries around the world.
You can view a video showing use of the DVD on a Windows PC and a MAC at this link
Click here to Order.
Click here to Order.
My two "Wooden Vases on the Scroll Saw" books make it easy.
The books are $12 each and available for instant download after purchase. Click for Video

JET DC-650BK Dust Collector with Bag Filter Kit
This is the dust collector I use in my shop. It is more than sufficient for a small shop. I use it with my table saw, band saw, jointer and planner with good results. If you are looking to improve you shop dust collection this is a nice machine. I use blast gates between the different machines for vacuum control
- Hook up one to three machines for optimum dust cleaning
- Quick-install collection bag makes emptying and re-attaching a snap
- Single-stage design for economical and quiet operation
- Includes four casters for maneuverability and total portability
- Permanently lubricated, totally enclosed, fan-cooled motors are rated for continuous-duty