You want a very thin blade so the puzzle pieces fit snugly together after they are cut. All the instruction on how to use the puzzle template are included in the pattern book.
The picture of the butterfly is one I took a couple years ago so it is completely free of copyright issues. Use it however you like.
Poll Results:
Thanks to all of you who gave me feedback on the DVD catalog of my patterns. There were a little over 800 votes in the poll I put up. 587 said they would at least be interested in it. I also had a couple hundred emails from people who said they couldn't get the poll to work but wanted to vote yes.
That's enough interest that I decided to put the DVD together this weekend. I want to explain why I have always hesitated to make this DVD available when so many have asked for it in the past.
I have intentionally kept my blog mostly donation and ad revenue centered. My goals for the blog has always been to have fun, help out new scrollers and make enough money so that the blog does not become a financial burden. I have succeeded at that goal without selling a lot of products. I know that's what makes this blog as successful as it is. People don't want to come to my blog and see me trying to sell them everything under the sun. So why have I decided to sell this DVD?
This month Google stopped one of my primary streams of revenue. On the 3rd of the month they stopped ad placements in RSS feeds. What this means is that there will no longer be ads in the email newsletter. I know that sounds like a good thing for subscribers but it was how many bloggers were able to fund their blog, including me. They still serve ads on the blog but they just won't go out in the email newsletter. I know this is probably boring.
I have been looking for ways to replace that revenue without becoming just another web store. I think this DVD will fit that purpose for a couple reasons. A significant number of you have told me it is of value to you and it's not something that will take much of my time to run after the initial setup.
I will keep the price down to something as reasonable as possible. The DVD is at the publisher as we speak so I will have a better idea of what the cost will be tomorrow. I am pretty sure I can do it for $20 +shipping. I think the shipping will be in the $4 range in the US. My publisher will ship internationally but I'm still not clear what the shipping will be for that. From the calculator on their site it looks like it is still in the $4 range for most countries but don't hold me to that yet.
If this DVD is of any interest to you stay tuned and I'll have more details soon. Thanks again for all the feed back, yes even from the 16 folks that checked the "Are you crazy" box. I think two of those were from my wife and daughter:)